My sweet Maddox continues to sleep in his crib. There's not a ton of consistency, but usually at least 4 hours per night (but sometimes 7)! He still LOVES being swaddled and loves snuggles with Daddy after his nighttime bottle!
We also got the all-clear to start cereal with Maddox. And it cracks me up because so far...he's not a fan. And of course also doesn't realize it's food, which is fun trying to spoon feed a baby while he's yelling because he wants his bottle! We started feeding him his cereal after his bottle to help with that. Feeding him the cereal before the bottle meant a baby who spits up a lot more than normal when he burps from the bottle. :( I really look forward to feeding him other foods once he gets the hang of spoon feeding and seeing what foods he likes!
Our pediatrician said Maddox is in the 2nd percentile for weight and height but 40th percentile in head circumference. :) Hence the slow growing. I did weigh him yesterday and he officially weighs 13 pounds! Our pediatrician also said he sees Maddox's two bottom teeth but that they aren't ready to push through just yet. Which is ok--I'll keep my pain-free baby for as long as possible!
And as you likely saw if you follow me on facebook, Maddox rolled over last week! He's still not a huge fan of tummy time and I really just have to get him in the right "mood" for tummy time, otherwise he ends up rubbing his face on whatever he's laying on and then screaming at me.
Maddox is also now learning to play and loves grabbing at things, especially things that light up! He's so fun to play with and watch now!
Oh. I can admit I've saved the best update for last. This little boy can LAUGH! And he thinks his Daddy is the funniest guy ever. So far only Daddy makes him laugh, which is ok because then I can laugh and smile along too! Oh, watching those two makes my heart SO incredibly full and happy!
I can't wait for my next update and hope for it to include topless jeep days and time in the pool. No? Well, maybe I'm overly ambitious about the weather :) But I'm sure my next update will include lots of other fun things!!
Until next time...
Xo Sarah