Monday, June 1, 2015

Watch me go!

Hey y'all!

Mr. Maddox has been moving and growing so much since my last update!  He is so much fun!

He recently discovered that he is ticklish, and it is absolutely hilarious!  He loves being tickled, kissed on his tummy, and laughing at funny sounds!  His laugh is still my favorite thing to hear!

This weekend he experienced his first parade, and of course, LOVED it!

Maddox has also decided he LOVES walking around.  He will walk around with his hands held until he is completely exhausted!  We got him a walker and he hasn't quite figured out how to use it, but I'm sure it won't be long and it will be everywhere!

I recently was looking at all of the pictures on my computer and just wanted to share some as a comparison of current Maddox versus tiny man Maddox we brought home from the hospital!  He was so sweet and tiny!

I hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy these pictures of this sweet little guy!

Xoxo, Sarah

PS-Still no teeth. :(

Double PS-Just one more for good measure :)