Friday, August 28, 2015

I am SO bad! I had every intention of blogging on Monday, but time got away with me. Better late than never, eh? (I think I say this every time I'm late with a post, too.)

Meanwhile, Maddox man is now 10 months old!! Time is literally speeding by! It is so hard to believe my tiny, 7 pound babe is almost a year old! I've already (very excitedly) started planning Maddox's first Mouska-Birthday! 

Maddox recently started squealing. Like, not exactly a cry, but a squeal when he gets upset or I take him something away from him. And you know what? I hate it. And I'm not sure who taught him this...but I. WILL. FIND. YOU. 

My little Maddox also loves feeding himself. His favorite? Chicken nuggets, of course! Followed by a very close second place of Gerber crunchies or Cheetos.

Sleep hasn't been great lately, but we've been trying to feed him pretty much constantly for the last hour before he goes to bed. And FINALLY--since then, he's been sleeping 7:45 until around 6, then eats, then back down until anywhere from 7:30-8:30. 

I stopped putting Maddox in his walker because he stopped being interested in it. He's now interested in pulling up on everything, including his learning walker! He hasn't quite figured out how to back up once he has walked across the room, but I'm sure it won't be long! I can't wait to watch this little dude take his first step!

Maddox loves to give hugs when he is in a good mood, but I must say--the mood has to strike him! He also has recently learned to stick out his tongue and it's hilarious! Maddox is of course babbling up a storm, although he still hasn't mastered "dada" quite yet! 

Until next time...
Xoxo, S

Monday, August 3, 2015

Oh hey there, teeth!

This week has been fairly uneventful as far as new happenings are concerned. 

The only change has been in regards to sleep. Oh, sweet sleep. How I miss you so. We tried yet again to get Maddox out of his zipadeezip and into just Jammies. And you know what? It was a terrible, horrible idea. Pretty sure I need to buy stock in zipadeezip because this kid loves his and never sleeps well without it.

Maddox now has three teeth and working hard on a fourth! He is such a little ham and those little fingers are always in his mouth! 

He is full-on crawling which is fun and eventful at the same time! We can no longer leave him unsupervised for even just a moment! He is into everything, and anything on the floor is fair game for him and a learning adventure! 

Maddox thinks pulling up is the MOST fun thing ever. He is getting creative and pulling up on things I would've never thought of, like pant legs and the shower door! In the picture below he decided maybe the front door would be fun to pull up on! 

How is it possible that this sweet dude is almost 10 months old? We love you , sweet boy!