In two days, Maddox will be a whole year old! Where has the time gone? I remember just like yesterday waking up, taking a shower, and making my way to the hospital with Andy to meet that little face!
I am busy planning his first birthday party, which will have a Mickey Mouse theme this year since he loves Mickey. I am so excited to watch him dig in to his first cake and see his expression!
Maddox continues to love to dance and his current favorite song is still "Uptown Funk." He will stop whatever he's doing to dance when that song comes on! He loves to climb and do baby yoga!
Maddox now also says "all gone" and "uh-oh!" He can sign milk, more, and all done! We are working to teach him "love you!"
Although he isn't fully walking, Maddox does take steps here and there. He still crawls everywhere and is FAST! I love watching him! He also loves being chased and it makes him go even faster!