Wednesday, September 11, 2013

GO PACK GO...and why I've been MIA.

Welcome back, friends!  I know I've been gone several weeks.  Remember that first blog post I wrote about how I get distracted?  That happened.  OOPS!  I still have lots of pictures and lots of blog posts in my head, but seriously have been SO busy lately that I've not had time.

Meanwhile...two weeks ago, the best thing EVER happened.  My birthday present to myself FINALLY HAPPENED.

Also, before the montage of pictures...please be aware that even though I am not a Chiefs fan, I was BEYOND excited for this because I saw my FAVORITE football player :)

Entering the gate to see the boys...

Row 19 away from the field...

Even though I'm not a Chiefs fan, this part was super cool.  There were explosions and even a lady riding a horse.  Why a horse?  I'm  not sure.  I'd been drinking by then...see first picture :)

And the best part of all, you ask?  See that number 52?  That's the best part of my entire day...seeing the Clay Matthews hair flip and seeing him walk around with all his friends.

I love the Pack. :)

But also, as promised, the reason I've been missing from the blog lately.  We found THE HOUSE.  And someone is buying our house. I won't say much more about the new one or ours so I don't jinx anything, but I can't wait to share more with you all.

We've already picked out our new paint colors :)

Until next time, friends!

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