I know, I said I wouldn't do this. But I did! Has it really been almost a month since I've blogged?! Oops! Time sure does fly when you get to spend all your extra time with the two cutest boys in the world!
Lately we've been doing more tummy time in an attempt to help maddox get closer to rolling over. We've not really had success thus far. In fact, maddox hates tummy time! Usually if I put him flat, he will rub his nose around on the ground until he gets tired of it and then starts to tell about it. I've started putting him on top of the boppy to help with this and it does help a bit, although not all the time. I did manage to snap this gem with my phone during tummy time the other day. His faces just make me laugh all day.

At the recommendation of our pediatrician (and completely against my desires, noted below), we moved maddox to the crib this weekend. I feared he would yell and scream and that it just wouldn't be good. On top of that, I feared I wouldn't hear him until he was screaming at night (which isn't fun). Finally, I worried about his reflux and being flat in the crib. Our pediatrician said we could angle his mattress like his rock and play was if we wanted.
Which brings me to my question. When do these start to level out? One night four hours, another six, and another eight? Why?
So my guy is finally in his crib in his own room and I can't express the relief and freedom I feel! Just in time for the four month sleep regression. Did anyone else's baby go through this? I dread it!
The reflux remains an issue with no major update. Womp womp. The worst part of reflux is that his car seat straps are totally gross because he spits up nearly every time he's in his car seat. Ick.
This past Saturday maddox just started talking to us. It's my favorite thing to hear him "ooh" and "ahh" over nothing. I love having little "ooh" conversations together!
And my favorite thing for Maddox's third month of life? His twilight turtle that my work friends got me! It's the perfect nightlight and it casts constellations on his walls and ceiling! It even goes to sleep after a certain amount of time and puts out three different colors! I love it!
I promise I'll try to not let it be another month before I update!
Xoxo, S
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