Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Look who's back!

It's been WAY too long since my last post. I have lots of things to write about, but wanted to start off with some pictures from Maddox's first birthday party! (Jeez. Am I really six months behind?!)

This sweet boy makes me laugh so much  and takes my breath away with how smart he is. He loves to talk, read, and play! 

We had a Mickey theme with lots of fun decorations! We had a Mickey themed cake for Maddox with cupcakes for everyone else. Finally, my favorite was out "hot diggity dog bar!" 

As fellow blogger Erica Shippy has done (find her fantastic blog here at, I am hoping to finish up May on the blogging front with a posting EVERY DAY IN MAY to get caught up! 

Stay tuned!! 

Xoxo, S

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