You guys. There are not even words to describe how much I have fallen in love with this small little man. I know they say it doesn't happen overnight, but it certainly feels like it has! I woke up one day and just hated leaving him. I always loved him because he was mine, but my love has turned to enamor even more I think! I want to hang out with him all the time and watch him grow! He is so much fun!
On that note--how amazing is the human body?! He grew in my body and now my body feeds his! Every time I think of that, I'm truly in awe. The human body does absolutely incredible things.
This tiny man had his six month check up today, even though he's now nearly seven months! He's now in the 15th percentile for height and 7th percentile for weight! You may or may not remember, but he was in much lower percentiles only a couple of months back! My little man is turning in to a little chunk! :)
However, our nurse prac we saw today said that we need to be moving him to bigger bottles less frequently to help prep him for doing meals in the future. Which is HARD! His reflux still comes and goes, and when it's here, it's no fun!
He's currently on level two baby food. I wanted to start him on baby led weaning, but he is still a toothless wonder, so we are waiting until he at least has a couple of teeth! We do have a couple of those net-food things where you can put regular food to help prevent the risk of choking, and thus far he has really enjoyed trying new foods in it! Here's a picture where he tried his first taste of steak.
He is now also sleeping on his tummy! And let me just come out and say: it is the best sleep that he has had thus far! This week he's been sleeping around 8 hours uninterrupted at night (which is heavenly for this Mama!). Sometimes he will cry out for the pacifier, but often he does not! It is fantastic.
Maddox's eyes are still blue and his hair is a dark blondish looking number. I'm convinced he's my mini. :)
Maddox can now roll both directions, and loves barrel-rolling! Rolling is his main mode of transportation at this point. He can scale our bed by rolling and no where elevated is safe (including the carseat!). I walk around and just put him tummy down everywhere I go now. Maddox isn't yet crawling, but he can push himself up quite far and when on his tummy does a swimming motion, which I'm told is normal and a step before crawling. He tries to do an army-type crawling number, but he isn't really that successful yet. Maddox LOVES to stand AND loves his jumper! He's such a fun dude.

Typically I make my updates all about Maddox, but just a note to state how awesome my first Mother's Day was! My boys definitely spoiled me with all my favorite things (and so did my Mama!). This weekend, Andy and I celebrate our SIXTH wedding anniversary! He's put up with me for over 10 years now...geez! I sure am lucky! Next week we are taking a trip to see our favorites, Zac Brown Band as our present! I am so jacked up about it! :)
Maddox also now knows his name and now responds to it! It's so fun to watch him! He also does a fun lip-smacking sound and it is my favorite thing ever!! Maddox man, you are so much fun! He loves having his tummy kissed and cheeks eaten and it brings out the sweetest laugh I've ever heard. Ok, I lied. Hearing that laugh is my favorite thing ever. I have enjoyed the last six and a half months with this sweet little dude, and the thought of him growing and learning makes my heart so happy!
It's a lip-smacking good time.
Until next time,