Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sorry I'm not sorry.

I have been so incredibly bad at blogging lately, and I'm not even sorry. I have been enjoying this little boy so much that I haven't even stopped for a moment to blog. But he's currently napping, laundry is going, and Andy is outside doing yard work. So here's an update! 

In two days, Maddox will be a whole year old! Where has the time gone? I remember just like yesterday waking up, taking a shower, and making my way to the hospital with Andy to meet that little face! 

I am busy planning his first birthday party, which will have a Mickey Mouse theme this year since he loves Mickey. I am so excited to watch him dig in to his first cake and see his expression! 

Maddox continues to love to dance and his current favorite song is still "Uptown Funk."  He will stop whatever he's doing to dance when that song comes on! He loves to climb and do baby yoga! 

Maddox now also says "all gone" and "uh-oh!" He can sign milk, more, and all done! We are working to teach him "love you!"

Although he isn't fully walking, Maddox does take steps here and there. He still crawls everywhere and is FAST! I love watching him! He also loves being chased and it makes him go even faster!

Maddox, your laugh and smile are absolutely contagious! I can't remember what my life was like before you, but I know that my life is much better now that you're in it! We love you so much! I love being your Mama and can't wait to watch you grow and continue your adventure of life! 

Friday, August 28, 2015

I am SO bad! I had every intention of blogging on Monday, but time got away with me. Better late than never, eh? (I think I say this every time I'm late with a post, too.)

Meanwhile, Maddox man is now 10 months old!! Time is literally speeding by! It is so hard to believe my tiny, 7 pound babe is almost a year old! I've already (very excitedly) started planning Maddox's first Mouska-Birthday! 

Maddox recently started squealing. Like, not exactly a cry, but a squeal when he gets upset or I take him something away from him. And you know what? I hate it. And I'm not sure who taught him this...but I. WILL. FIND. YOU. 

My little Maddox also loves feeding himself. His favorite? Chicken nuggets, of course! Followed by a very close second place of Gerber crunchies or Cheetos.

Sleep hasn't been great lately, but we've been trying to feed him pretty much constantly for the last hour before he goes to bed. And FINALLY--since then, he's been sleeping 7:45 until around 6, then eats, then back down until anywhere from 7:30-8:30. 

I stopped putting Maddox in his walker because he stopped being interested in it. He's now interested in pulling up on everything, including his learning walker! He hasn't quite figured out how to back up once he has walked across the room, but I'm sure it won't be long! I can't wait to watch this little dude take his first step!

Maddox loves to give hugs when he is in a good mood, but I must say--the mood has to strike him! He also has recently learned to stick out his tongue and it's hilarious! Maddox is of course babbling up a storm, although he still hasn't mastered "dada" quite yet! 

Until next time...
Xoxo, S

Monday, August 3, 2015

Oh hey there, teeth!

This week has been fairly uneventful as far as new happenings are concerned. 

The only change has been in regards to sleep. Oh, sweet sleep. How I miss you so. We tried yet again to get Maddox out of his zipadeezip and into just Jammies. And you know what? It was a terrible, horrible idea. Pretty sure I need to buy stock in zipadeezip because this kid loves his and never sleeps well without it.

Maddox now has three teeth and working hard on a fourth! He is such a little ham and those little fingers are always in his mouth! 

He is full-on crawling which is fun and eventful at the same time! We can no longer leave him unsupervised for even just a moment! He is into everything, and anything on the floor is fair game for him and a learning adventure! 

Maddox thinks pulling up is the MOST fun thing ever. He is getting creative and pulling up on things I would've never thought of, like pant legs and the shower door! In the picture below he decided maybe the front door would be fun to pull up on! 

How is it possible that this sweet dude is almost 10 months old? We love you , sweet boy! 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Nine months? Really?

My little monster just turned nine months yesterday. How is that possible?! 

Maddox is working on three other teeth, but only one is close at this point! So for now, he is still my little one-toothed wonder! 

And the big achievement for the week? My dude is full-on crawling! I absolutely love watching him move and go! 

Maddox loves pulling up on everything! Hes quite the handful now when playing and has to be watched constantly! 

And now for the adventure that was Sunday night. We put Maddox down as always and we went to bed a few hours later. Around 4:00 we awoke to a yelling baby, which isn't unusual. He usually wakes at least once per night and we give him the pacifier. Sometimes he will cry until he eats, but at times he will just go back to sleep after getting his pacifier back. Sunday night he decided he needed to eat, so I fed him and put him back in his crib. He fussed for a few minutes and then went back to sleep...or so I thought. I woke up again around 4:30 and Maddox was STANDING, yes, standing in his crib. He had pulled up in his crib! (Which isn't out of the norm,?!74 a little alarming since he is still sleeping in his zipadeezip, so I can't imagine he could grip very well!) Andy and I both ran into Maddox's room and put him back onto his back. Around 20 minutes after that, I heard a noise and awoke to find Maddox sitting up in his crib alone. I remember saying "really, dude?" and walking into his room. By the time I had gotten to his room, he had dived with his head and was laying back down.  After this entire hour-long ordeal, Maddox had finally decided to go back to sleep! And mama was very, very tired when waking up again at 6:00 for the day. 

Very ready for these teeth to be here--but I sure do love this little dude! 

Until next time...
Xo, S

Monday, July 13, 2015

This baby is the GREATEST.

I know, I have been SO bad about updating.  I'm going to try and do better on a weekly basis of what Maddox is learning to do every week, since things are changing ever so often at our home!

This sweet little man now has a tooth!  He hates letting me see it though--here is the best picture that I could get.  He also has another that is close to coming through on the top, and the one next to it looks fairly close to coming through!  My toothless wonder is no more!

The reflux is SLOWLY getting better.  Some days are worse than others, but most days are pretty good!  He also loves to eat! Maddox will eat pretty much anything I give him, but his favorites are when he can feed himself.  He loves the yogurt melts and lil' crunchies from Gerber.  He also really loves pancakes, well-cooked pasta, cheerios, and berries of all kinds! Here is a picture of him enjoying a honey wheat pretzel: 

Maddox LOVES to pull up on everything!  Clothes, body parts, his crib, his toys, even his dresser!  He loves to crawl around and climb on Daddy during floor play time!  He loves to army crawl and is very fast, although he hasn't quite mastered the full-on crawl yet.  Maddox wants to stand on his own but hasn't quite figured that out.  Maddox also loves walking around in his walker (I call it the car) and can maneuver and run in it quite well!

Sleep is going ok.  He typically goes down no later than 8:30 in his crib every night.  This week Maddox has been waking up around once a night for the pacifier and then goes back to sleep.  This morning he woke up at 12:30 for the pacifier and then 5:00 to eat, then went back to sleep until 7:45.  He hasn't quite mastered the nap thing, though; he only naps for around 30 minutes to 1 hour at a time and still takes around 3 naps per day.  

Just this morning he started singing for the first time-music to this already-music-loving mama's ears! :)

I love watching this guy grow and love sharing our adventure with you all! Until next week...

Xoxo, S

Monday, June 1, 2015

Watch me go!

Hey y'all!

Mr. Maddox has been moving and growing so much since my last update!  He is so much fun!

He recently discovered that he is ticklish, and it is absolutely hilarious!  He loves being tickled, kissed on his tummy, and laughing at funny sounds!  His laugh is still my favorite thing to hear!

This weekend he experienced his first parade, and of course, LOVED it!

Maddox has also decided he LOVES walking around.  He will walk around with his hands held until he is completely exhausted!  We got him a walker and he hasn't quite figured out how to use it, but I'm sure it won't be long and it will be everywhere!

I recently was looking at all of the pictures on my computer and just wanted to share some as a comparison of current Maddox versus tiny man Maddox we brought home from the hospital!  He was so sweet and tiny!

I hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy these pictures of this sweet little guy!

Xoxo, Sarah

PS-Still no teeth. :(

Double PS-Just one more for good measure :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Movin' and a-groovin'.

You guys.  There are not even words to describe how much I have fallen in love with this small little man.  I know they say it doesn't happen overnight, but it certainly feels like it has!  I woke up one day and just hated leaving him.  I always loved him because he was mine, but my love has turned to enamor even more I think!  I want to hang out with him all the time and watch him grow!  He is so much fun!

On that note--how amazing is the human body?!  He grew in my body and now my body feeds his!  Every time I think of that, I'm truly in awe.  The human body does absolutely incredible things.

This tiny man had his six month check up today, even though he's now nearly seven months!  He's now in the 15th percentile for height and 7th percentile for weight!  You may or may not remember, but he was in much lower percentiles only a couple of months back! My little man is turning in to a little chunk! :)

However, our nurse prac we saw today said that we need to be moving him to bigger bottles less frequently to help prep him for doing meals in the future.  Which is HARD!  His reflux still comes and goes, and when it's here, it's no fun!

He's currently on level two baby food.  I wanted to start him on baby led weaning, but he is still a toothless wonder, so we are waiting until he at least has a couple of teeth!  We do have a couple of those net-food things where you can put regular food to help prevent the risk of choking, and thus far he has really enjoyed trying new foods in it!  Here's a picture where he tried his first taste of steak.

He is now also sleeping on his tummy!   And let me just come out and say: it is the best sleep that he has had thus far!  This week he's been sleeping around 8 hours uninterrupted at night (which is heavenly for this Mama!).  Sometimes he will cry out for the pacifier, but often he does not!  It is fantastic.

Maddox's eyes are still blue and his hair is a dark blondish looking number.  I'm convinced he's my mini. :)

Maddox can now roll both directions, and loves barrel-rolling!  Rolling is his main mode of transportation at this point.  He can scale our bed by rolling and no where elevated is safe (including the carseat!).  I walk around and just put him tummy down everywhere I go now.  Maddox isn't yet crawling, but he can push himself up quite far and when on his tummy does a swimming motion, which I'm told is normal and a step before crawling.  He tries to do an army-type crawling number, but he isn't really that successful yet.  Maddox LOVES to stand AND loves his jumper!  He's such a fun dude.

Typically I make my updates all about Maddox, but just a note to state how awesome my first Mother's Day was!  My boys definitely spoiled me with all my favorite things (and so did my Mama!).  This weekend, Andy and I celebrate our SIXTH wedding anniversary!  He's put up with me for over 10 years now...geez!  I sure am lucky!  Next week we are taking a trip to see our favorites, Zac Brown Band as our present!  I am so jacked up about it! :)

Maddox also now knows his name and now responds to it!  It's so fun to watch him!  He also does a fun lip-smacking sound and it is my favorite thing ever!!  Maddox man, you are so much fun! He loves having his tummy kissed and cheeks eaten and it brings out the sweetest laugh I've ever heard.  Ok, I lied.  Hearing that laugh is my favorite thing ever.  I have enjoyed the last six and a half months with this sweet little dude, and the thought of him growing and learning makes my heart so happy!

It's a lip-smacking good time.

Until next time,