Monday, July 13, 2015

This baby is the GREATEST.

I know, I have been SO bad about updating.  I'm going to try and do better on a weekly basis of what Maddox is learning to do every week, since things are changing ever so often at our home!

This sweet little man now has a tooth!  He hates letting me see it though--here is the best picture that I could get.  He also has another that is close to coming through on the top, and the one next to it looks fairly close to coming through!  My toothless wonder is no more!

The reflux is SLOWLY getting better.  Some days are worse than others, but most days are pretty good!  He also loves to eat! Maddox will eat pretty much anything I give him, but his favorites are when he can feed himself.  He loves the yogurt melts and lil' crunchies from Gerber.  He also really loves pancakes, well-cooked pasta, cheerios, and berries of all kinds! Here is a picture of him enjoying a honey wheat pretzel: 

Maddox LOVES to pull up on everything!  Clothes, body parts, his crib, his toys, even his dresser!  He loves to crawl around and climb on Daddy during floor play time!  He loves to army crawl and is very fast, although he hasn't quite mastered the full-on crawl yet.  Maddox wants to stand on his own but hasn't quite figured that out.  Maddox also loves walking around in his walker (I call it the car) and can maneuver and run in it quite well!

Sleep is going ok.  He typically goes down no later than 8:30 in his crib every night.  This week Maddox has been waking up around once a night for the pacifier and then goes back to sleep.  This morning he woke up at 12:30 for the pacifier and then 5:00 to eat, then went back to sleep until 7:45.  He hasn't quite mastered the nap thing, though; he only naps for around 30 minutes to 1 hour at a time and still takes around 3 naps per day.  

Just this morning he started singing for the first time-music to this already-music-loving mama's ears! :)

I love watching this guy grow and love sharing our adventure with you all! Until next week...

Xoxo, S

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