Sunday, July 7, 2013


Hello again friends!

We've been doing it big since getting our house listed.  Last weekend, we went to a housewarming party at my Aunt's new house.  She invited a bunch of people from her workplace, so I basically only knew my mom, stepdad, and hubs there.  There was PLENTY of yummy food, though.  AND drinks! She had a keg and made a vodkamelon.  Yum yum!  My friends brought their baby, too.  So my mom got some baby time :)

Then, for the Fourth of July, we had super fun plans!  Andy had a great idea to make summerbrew.  Have you tried this?  It is sheer summer PERFECTION.  And SO easy! 

We used three Mexican beers, half a cup of vodka, and one can of thawed limeade concentrate.  We garnished with a lime, too.  Tastes just like a lime-a-rita.  LOVELYYYYY.

Along with summerbrew and shooting off our own fireworks, we also had tomatoes from our garden this weekend on our burgers and went to see a firework show.

And I made this!

Is there anything more American than THIS?

Happy 4th, y'all!

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