Monday, June 23, 2014


Welcome, Friends!

How far along? 20 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: Hovering around pre-pregnancy weight.  Today they said I am up two pounds I guess....
Baby is the size of a: Small canteloupe/length of a banana
Maternity clothes? I finally broke down this weekend and bought two maternity t-shirts.  I didn't want to stretch out my favorite tees and I'm SURE you're all tired of seeing the same shirts over and over again!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep this week has kinda been meh.  We've learned that Frank is afraid of lightening and with all of the nighttime storms, he's been crying every night until we let him in our bed--and he is a bed HOG.
Best moment this week: SO many good moments this week, it's hard to narrow down.  Finishing the registry, painting baby boy's room, and seeing him at our 20 week morphology scan today!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Fun fruity drinks in the pool!
Movement: Comes and goes.  Doctor confirmed today that I have an anterior placenta which is why I haven't felt as much movement.
Food cravings: Not really anything this week, so trying hard to eat more fruits and veggies.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On for now, but I find that I take my ring and my watch off every night when I get home.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  
Weekly Wisdom: Remember to eat more than green bean casserole and a granola bar during the day or you will get REALLY angry-hungry.
Looking forward to: Picking up the crib this weekend!

This week we painted baby's room!  Below is the final(ish) picture.  I have a couple spots to touch up where the paint dripped or peeled, but paint is almost done!  I also need to deep clean and shampoo the floors before we pick up his crib this weekend.  So it seems I'll be busy every night this week in preparation!

We also agreed and purchased his stroller and bedding this week.  We agreed on the theme of the decorations and I'm PRETTY sure we've agreed on the name (although we are NOT sharing until he is born).

It was SO exciting to see baby boy moving and how much he has grown at our morphology scan today.  He really has grown so much and especially in the past week I've been talking to him more and expressing how excited I am to meet him!  What will he look like?  What color will his eyes be?  What color will his hair be?  What will his personality be like?

HAHA oh.  And THIS HAPPENED....which is REALLY, REALLY major.  Guess he's ready to be a Dad now?

Until next time! Xo

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