Monday, August 25, 2014

Chevron Everything/So many things to look forward to...

Welcome, Friends!

It's been a fairly low key week with the exception of this weekend.  We went to a wonderful wedding (see below) and yesterday spent half our day in the pool (I'm now a resident of sunburn city).  I only wish that Andy could be home with me the rest of the week to enjoy my vacay I'm taking surrounding my birthday this week!

How far along? 29 weeks 1 day!
Total weight gain/loss: After the sickness I had this weekend, I think I may have dropped a couple pounds.  Not a ton of a gain though, so I guess that's ok!
Baby is the size of a/an: Butternut squash!
Maternity clothes? Yes, maternity t-shirts, maxi skirts and maxi dresses.  And a pair of maternity skinnies.
Stretch marks? None yet...still trying to drink plenty of water and keep lotion on my belly and thighs to try and help prevent!
Sleep: Sleep this week was fairly good...until we ran out of melatonin.  I realize now I am totally addicted to melatonin at night because the two nights I slept without it I took a REALLY long time to get to sleep and was quite restless.  Not so fun.  And because M continues to grow and thumps around in there so often, I can't sleep on my stomach much anymore because he thumps around in there in protest.  So my options include left side or right side...both of which suck for my back.  So...guess I need to go pick up more melatonin when I'm done with this post. :)
Best moment this week: Last week I'd say it was hearing M's heartbeart and knowing that he continues to grow well. This weekend it was traveling to the Lake of the Ozarks to see one of my favorites marry her longtime love and celebrate their love together!  But this week I am truly looking forward to nothing baby related for my birthday tomorrow! Oh and receiving our beautiful dresser that we now have packed up in M's room!  It is absolutely perfect and she did an incredible job!  It was definitely worth the wait :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? All things alcohol.  After all, it is my birthday week.  I told Andy this week that I'm pretty sure this is the first birthday since I was 18 that I haven't had a drink during my birthday.  So there's that...
Movement: Still daily!  Andy got to feel a big kick this week and his face was truly amazed.  I love watching and feeling little man grow and I really cannot wait to see how he moves and acts in real life!
Food cravings: Um. Tex Mex trail mix from Target.  I need some right now.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Womp womp.  Yes.  Chinese food that lasted only a few minutes before it came back out.  Wondering if perhaps it was a bug and not the food though?
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Just little Braxton Hicks here and there.  And my boobs continue to prep for breastfeeding and I now have to wear pads in my bra body is definitely in full on baby-prepping mode at this point. 
Belly Button in or out? Still in! Although it's pretty shallow.  I'd love for it to pop, but don't think that's going to happen.  It's also been several days since I've put my navel ring in and I think that's done for now. 
Wedding rings on or off? On and off throughout the week!  Haven't retired it completely yet. 
Weekly Wisdom: Don't run out of melatonin.  Or TUMS!! :)
Looking forward to: Vacation and my birthday tomorrow!  And next week my Aunt will be here to visit, which should also be fun!

I am BEYOND excited to share these pictures of M's dresser both before it was packed with clothes, after, and with artwork hung above!  All that's left in his room is to move his humidifier from our room and put together his high chair!  I'm not really in a rush to move his humidifier yet because I love it s much, so hopefully before the end of October (just in case M shows a few days early)!  

Dresser pre-clothes.  I love that she did the inside of the drawers in grey!

The front of his dresser!

Finally hung!  We were waiting on the dresser.  I love love love it!

This guy is SO cute.  I just love his expression and how thoughtful he is :)

Birthday present Andy overheard me saying I wanted for M's room.  I love it!!  Doesn't it just go perfectly?  I love the additional storage, too!

Finished product! 

Finished product, again!

PS-M's due date is the day the Pack is scheduled to play the Bears.  Is it crazy to hope that he comes at least a day late?! :) 

Until next time, loves! Xo

Monday, August 18, 2014

Gimme your best guess/shower festivities/28 weeks!

This weekend I cut nearly six inches off my hair.  No one even noticed.  It feels WAY short to me.  However, the blog carries on...

How far along? 28 weeks 1 day!
Total weight gain/loss: The doctor didn't send any compliments my way today so I imagine it wasn't good :)
Baby is the size of a/an: Eggplant or Chinese cabbage depending on which app I look at.
Maternity clothes? Yes, maternity t-shirts, maxi skirts and maxi dresses.  And a pair of maternity skinnies.
Stretch marks? None yet...trying to drink plenty of water and keep lotion on my belly and thighs to try and help prevent!
Sleep: Sleep this week was still good, for the most part!  We also got the gift I REALLY, REALLY wanted for M's room, the Cool Mist Humidifier to use at night.  I can't wait to see how this effects either of our sleep...yes, we went ahead and put together so we could try it out before he is born.  
Best moment this week: Baby shower this past weekend!  It was SO wonderful to see all our friends and family there and celebrate the future arrival of our little man!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? I've decided the thing I miss most this week is NOT alcohol related, strangely enough.  It's getting out of bed without experiencing pain or heaviness in my tummy region.  How many days left?! :)
Movement: Continues to be daily!  Doctor confirmed that he is head-down (or what I call "locked and loaded" and so I either feel little thumps just below my ribs or at my bikini line, which I can only assume are little hands.  It's funny to feel him turn around to either face my tummy or face my back.  My favorite is when he faces my back and then I can feel his little butt right on my tummy.  Craziest thing ever.
Food cravings: Nothing weird this week! Except Chipotle sounds FANTASTICAL and Andy keeps shooting me down.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: None this week!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: No, although doctor confirmed today that I may be having Braxton-Hicks currently!  He said he couldn't confirm 100% although he said my description sounded like them. I also watched a video on childbirth last week and can officially say that when labor signs do officially show up, I will be scared shitless.
Belly Button in or out? Still in!  One of my friends was surprised by this, so I guess it should be popped by now if it were going to?  I have been taking out my belly button ring during the day and putting it back in at night.
Wedding rings on or off? Mostly off this week :(  Swelling sucks.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I think this week I was mostly happy!!  Haha oh.  Except one day.  Story below.
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy every thump and bump while they last :)
Looking forward to: Getting M's dresser this week!  Our friend who was refinishing this was in a car accident this weekend and so she could not bring it to the shower.  I can't wait to get it and finish up his room!  It's truly the missing piece to his room and I can't wait to get things in his dresser and hung above it!

Haha so about my moody day...I had a really rough day at work and it made me emotional.  I had to drive a LOT (or at least a lot more than usual) that day and then came home and was stressed to the max.  Fast forward to an exhausted Sarah at home prepping for dinner, warming up leftover soup I had made over the weekend.  Andy also was prepping for dinner with a pizza he'd just baked.  He put the remaining pizza above our microwave so Frank couldn't get it and knocked a box of brownies DIRECTLY into my soup.  Fast forward ten seconds to me CRYING.  Yes, crying over spilled soup.  In my defense, that shit was everywhere---all over the counter, all over the potholder, all over my shirt.  I was done.  I told Andy while sobbing that I didn't even want the soup.  He laughed and made me leave the room.  I did end up eating the soup after he cleaned it up. :)  We laugh about it now, but I was super upset at the time.

We also had our baby shower this weekend! I managed to snap only two pictures the entire day: one of these fantastic balloons showing the theme of our shower, and one with the aftermath/explosion of presents after we got home!  Words cannot express the love I felt for us and baby M that day.  I can't wait for him to meet the world and all the generous people that provided for his life and his future needs!  I also can't thank my Mom and Bob (and Allex!) for helping put on the shower.  You did an incredible job and I truly loved all things mustache, including the chocolate 'staches you created.  I enjoyed every moment and only wished I could've slowed time in that moment to enjoy it even more. Words really can't express the love I felt that day and so I'll just say THANK YOU to all of you who attended and made our day special.

Finally, I'm accepting guesses because I LOVE this game and enjoy reading them!  We played this game at our shower and although no one guessed the name who didn't already know it, some of the answers really cracked me up.  Mustafa? Meylock?? Haha, no.

Until next time!

Xoxo--Sarah, Andy and baby M

Monday, August 11, 2014


Welcome, welcome!  (in my Effie Trinket voice)

How far along? 27 weeks 1 day...THIRD TRIMESTER WOOOOOOO!!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: We will see again next week when we visit the doctor! I'm sure it's plenty :) 
Baby is the size of a: Cauliflower!
Maternity clothes? Yes, maternity t-shirts, maxi skirts and maxi dresses.  I do have a pair of maternity skinnies my mom bought me that I've worn a couple times, too.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep this week is pretty good.  This weekend I slept until 11:30 BOTH days of the weekend, which is a first since I got pregnant (and for a long time, actually!).  But of course, my brain hates me so last night I slept terrible.  Typically when I know I have to get up early then my brain keeps me awake and plays tricks on me by making me think that my back hurts, hips hurt, or that a certain cute hubs is breathing too loud or sleeping too close to me for me to sleep.  So I'm VERY ready for some good sleep tonight!
Best moment this week: Getting M's letters hung above the crib in his room.  Picture below! Or baking with Andy's mom.  Or sitting on my Mom's front porch and catching up on her recent travels with her and Bob.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Angry Orchard, totally.  Can't decide if I want that or wine for my first drink when M pops out. 
Movement: Daily!  My favorite thing is not to feel him with my hand anymore but to watch my belly flop around.  I stole this name from a favorite mama of mine, but I like to think right now I have a Mr. Flopsy flopping around in my tummy...or so it appears :)
Food cravings: So random: plain chips and french onion dip, and broc cheese soup.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: None this week!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Still in!  Although I guess I need to take out my belly button ring soon?  Or so I'm told.  It's not stretched out so I'm not sure.
Wedding rings on or off? Mostly on this week!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Ha, this makes me laugh because during the week I was quite irritable but this weekend was great!
Weekly Wisdom: Sleep plenty and get lots of fiber DAILY and not a lot in just one day.
Looking forward to: Baby shower this weekend!!!!!!!

And as promised: a picture of M's letters above his crib.  Well, sorta. :)  I'm sticking with the no name sharing because I don't like the name judging and I truly love the name for our baby boy!

Weird thing happened this week also.  My colostrum came in already?  It's early but I'm not sure what else that could've been so I guess we will see what the doctor says!

Oh, and SO looking forward to our appointment next week.  I've completed our glucose test at least two weeks ago and haven't heard anything back yet, so hoping that's a good thing!  But I guess we will see what the doctor says!  Can I say I'm a little jealous of my friends who get to do extra screenings and hear their babies' heartbeats a little extra? :)  I hope this doesn't come back to haunt me!!

Finally, I am so so SO looking forward to our shower this weekend.  I cannot wait to see all of our friends and give them love!  So if you're reading this, I look forward to seeing you there!  After this weekend, M's room can finally be complete and I can start organizing his dresser (before and after pics to come after the shower) and hang his final artwork!

Xo, Sarah

Monday, August 4, 2014

I love you more than.... (AKA 26 weeks)

Welcome, friends!  I hope you've had a wonderful week.  My week continues to be ridiculously busy with work things.  But the end is near and my birthday is close, so that's a reason enough to keep my eyes on the prize.  We have been working this week on trying to train Frank to not jump up on us when we come home for the day--easier said than done.  We also unfortunately had to buy a bark collar this week.  Frank is a beagle/hound mix and barks ALL. OF. THE. TIME.  Frank barks when there are leaves moving or when he sees a car's reflection or if there are birds in the back yard or if the dog who lives behind us barks.  FRANK LOVES TO BARK.  Barking dog does not equal happy baby, so we have 97 days to get this under control before M makes his appearance.  But this sweet face...

How far along? 26 weeks 1 day....Yes, you read that right.  Double digits left!  I am so excited about this upcoming time with my new little love in 3 months and just a few days...
Total weight gain/loss: +3 pounds (are you sure?!)
Baby is the size of a: My app says the length of a green onion or hothouse cucumber.  You decide.
Maternity clothes? Yes, maternity t-shirts, maxi skirts and maxi dresses.  I do have a pair of maternity skinnies my mom bought me that I've worn a couple times, too.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep is good again this week, along with using the hoppy maternity pillow.  I'm sleeping on my tummy much less though.   M always thumps around in protest anytime I lay on it, so it's a last resort (although it's still my favorite way to sleep!)
Best moment this week: Seeing Andy's face when he felt M move for the first time this week.  It was the most wonderful thing to see and experience.  Or...when M's bedding came in this week.  Or...another story.  See below.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Wine.  I literally told hubs I want alcohol-free wine for my birthday.  Yes, they make it (we saw it on Shark Tank so it's at least partially legit).
Movement: Daily!  Sometimes I just lay around with my hands on my tummy so I can feel him move.  Work is stressful and M always knows the right times to remind me that he's in there :)
Food cravings: Spicy trail mix.  It's stupid and I can't resist!
Anything making you queasy or sick: None this week!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In...although my navel ring is poking out a lot more than it did before so I'm worried the status on this one might be changing soon....
Wedding rings on or off? Some days on, some days off for a short time.  Swelling is no bueno.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pissy mostly this week, but because of other circumstances not baby related.
Weekly Wisdom: Um.  Think ahead for lunch because otherwise you will be an emotional, hungry mess.
Looking forward to: Baby shower next weekend!

Andy took this picture of my belly while I was laying on the ground waiting for M to move.  It's officially a hill and no longer a bump.

And how could I forget?  Last weekend we bought M's "going home" outfit.  It's adorable.  I can't wait to meet our little bear.  

This week I started playing the game "I love you more than..." It's a game where you tell your significant other "I love you more than (insert something you love)."  I usually say things like "I love you more than chocolate chip cookies"  or "I love you more than sleeping in."  Andy's responses are equally as entertaining and he told me once "I love you more than beer."  This week he took the cake when he said "I love you more than everything."  I think my heart may have exploded with the amount of love I felt.  I can't wait to see him as a dad, and think my heart will likely explode the first time I see him holding baby M.  I'm seriously lucky to have this guy in my life.

Ps I'm not totally sure what this is from.  But I found it while looking for a picture of Andy and it cracked me up!

And finally, I am beyond excited to share these updated pictures of the nursery.  It's really coming together!  We will be hanging these letters above his crib hopefully this week and his dresser will be ready at our shower.  Once we get his dresser, we can hang his other artwork and be nearly complete! I am way, way, way excited.

I can't wait to hear your feedback and thoughts so far.  Until next time, loves! Xo