Welcome, friends! I hope you've had a wonderful week. My week continues to be ridiculously busy with work things. But the end is near and my birthday is close, so that's a reason enough to keep my eyes on the prize. We have been working this week on trying to train Frank to not jump up on us when we come home for the day--easier said than done. We also unfortunately had to buy a bark collar this week. Frank is a beagle/hound mix and barks ALL. OF. THE. TIME. Frank barks when there are leaves moving or when he sees a car's reflection or if there are birds in the back yard or if the dog who lives behind us barks. FRANK LOVES TO BARK. Barking dog does not equal happy baby, so we have 97 days to get this under control before M makes his appearance. But this sweet face...
How far along? 26 weeks 1 day....Yes, you read that right. Double digits left! I am so excited about this upcoming time with my new little love in 3 months and just a few days...
Total weight gain/loss: +3 pounds (are you sure?!)
Baby is the size of a: My app says the length of a green onion or hothouse cucumber. You decide.
Maternity clothes? Yes, maternity t-shirts, maxi skirts and maxi dresses. I do have a pair of maternity skinnies my mom bought me that I've worn a couple times, too.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep is good again this week, along with using the hoppy maternity pillow. I'm sleeping on my tummy much less though. M always thumps around in protest anytime I lay on it, so it's a last resort (although it's still my favorite way to sleep!)
Best moment this week: Seeing Andy's face when he felt M move for the first time this week. It was the most wonderful thing to see and experience. Or...when M's bedding came in this week. Or...another story. See below.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Wine. I literally told hubs I want alcohol-free wine for my birthday. Yes, they make it (we saw it on Shark Tank so it's at least partially legit).
Movement: Daily! Sometimes I just lay around with my hands on my tummy so I can feel him move. Work is stressful and M always knows the right times to remind me that he's in there :)
Food cravings: Spicy trail mix. It's stupid and I can't resist!
Anything making you queasy or sick: None this week!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In...although my navel ring is poking out a lot more than it did before so I'm worried the status on this one might be changing soon....
Wedding rings on or off? Some days on, some days off for a short time. Swelling is no bueno.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pissy mostly this week, but because of other circumstances not baby related.
Weekly Wisdom: Um. Think ahead for lunch because otherwise you will be an emotional, hungry mess.
Looking forward to: Baby shower next weekend!
Andy took this picture of my belly while I was laying on the ground waiting for M to move. It's officially a hill and no longer a bump.
And how could I forget? Last weekend we bought M's "going home" outfit. It's adorable. I can't wait to meet our little bear.
This week I started playing the game "I love you more than..." It's a game where you tell your significant other "I love you more than (insert something you love)." I usually say things like "I love you more than chocolate chip cookies" or "I love you more than sleeping in." Andy's responses are equally as entertaining and he told me once "I love you more than beer." This week he took the cake when he said "I love you more than everything." I think my heart may have exploded with the amount of love I felt. I can't wait to see him as a dad, and think my heart will likely explode the first time I see him holding baby M. I'm seriously lucky to have this guy in my life.
Ps I'm not totally sure what this is from. But I found it while looking for a picture of Andy and it cracked me up!
And finally, I am beyond excited to share these updated pictures of the nursery. It's really coming together! We will be hanging these letters above his crib hopefully this week and his dresser will be ready at our shower. Once we get his dresser, we can hang his other artwork and be nearly complete! I am way, way, way excited.
I can't wait to hear your feedback and thoughts so far. Until next time, loves! Xo
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