Before we had Maddox, we had simple Christmas traditions. We would go to Andy's parents' house on Christmas eve to celebrate, then come home and watch Christmas vacation and have cocktails and spinach dip. We started this tradition a few years ago and there was more than one occasion that ended in me being slightly drunk on Christmas Eve... :) Andy and I have typically been irresponsible and can't seem to wait until Christmas day to open our presents, so we typically open them on Christmas eve with continued cocktails.Then on Christmas morning, there is usually a firetruck that delivers goodie bags to little ones that I always received when I was little and look forward to Maddox getting one next year! Then we head over to my parents' house and open gifts at their house and have a late lunch with wine. For fun, here's a throwback from a few years ago at our old house on Christmas Eve (the date is wrong--it was more like 2011)
This year, we have baby Maddox and I feel more traditional than normal! I feel pressure to celebrate all of his "firsts" and want to try and make every moment with him special. I've been working this week to try and compile the list of things I'd like to do for/with him this holiday season, and have included it below:
-Picture with Santa
-Pictures at the Magic Tree
-Christmas Eve box (see below)
-new ornament for the Christmas tree each year
-Picture with first snow that sticks
-Baking day with me
-Special cookie and milk plate and mug for Santa on Christmas eve
-Watching Rudolph (even though he won't know it this year)
The Christmas Eve box I've created this year includes a new Christmas book and a new set of pajamas because he's so little. In the future, I'd like to include some hot chocolate and popcorn for him to enjoy as we read said book or watch a Christmas movie together as a family.
What other ideas do you guys have? Are there things that you do with your little ones that you think might be fun ideas for me to start with this sweet little face this year?
I leave you with a picture of this smiley, happy little man. :)
Xoxo, Sarah
When we were younger, it was always fun to open one gift on Christmas Eve, which was typically a new board or card game. We could then learn and play it as a family. Maybe something you cold do when he's a little older as a part of your Christmas Eve box. You have some neat ideas!