Monday, December 29, 2014


I know, I know.  It's been too long.  Whoops!  It's hard remembering to blog, especially when I am on limited time home with my baby boy.  I'll do my best to be more punctual!  For my amends, I promise to include lots of pictures in this post. :)  To start off, here's a picture of the dude bundled up for the Christmas light/tractor parade in our town:

Christmas has come and gone and this sweet little man made out like a bandit!  Maddox got the cutest gifts ever.  Some of my favorites include a personalized blanket I ordered for him, a personalized puzzle of his name, blocks that have special sayings and info on them from when he was born, and his future jumper/exercauser!  He got even more gifts than Andy and I did, and his pile is still sitting at the Christmas tree waiting to be put away.  I guess he needs to start putting things away. ;)

 The dude is jacked about Christmas.

Lately Maddox has been sleeping pretty well.  I know I was interested before on moving him into the crib, but after much feedback from several of you via Facebook, I'm no longer in a hurry.  He is sleeping well in his rock and play and I see no need for all of us to miss out on sleep just because he is a certain age.  The fact of the matter is, Maddox has clearly expressed that he isn't really ready to sleep in his crib and I am totally okay with that.  Our doctor did confirm that Maddox has acid reflux and he is now on medication for this, which contributed to my decision not to move him to the crib just yet.  He does need to continue to be elevated after he eats and this includes bedtime, and the rock and play allows this.  He likes sleeping in there and pretty much goes right to sleep most nights after our routine.  Perhaps I'll post more about our bedtime routine and see if you think I'm leaving anything out.

Today Maddox had his two-month checkup and his first round of shots (besides his HBV as a newborn).  We took both a before and after picture which I've included below.  He was very happy after being weighed and measured and I even snapped the picture of him smiling!  Maddox was examined by the doctor who agrees that Maddox is very strong for his age and is very cute. :)  He then was given his first round of shots and HATED EVERY SECOND OF IT.  He was even mad afterward while getting dressed.  We immediately gave him tylenol afterward and then fed him a bottle.  After this, we strapped him into the carseat and he slept like a champ for 2.5 hours while we ran errands and drove home.  When he awoke again, he was a super angry little wild thing.  He ate and then was still angry.  I gave him his pacifier and held him on his side and he went quickly to sleep again.  He's now sleeping on my Aunt's lap as I type.


After being weighed/before shots...

After :(

My Aunt Brenda is here visiting again and (I must say) appears to be quite enamored with Maddox. I mean, he is pretty damn cute, right?

Maddox just completed a wonder week/leap and it really wasn't as bad as the first.  Tonight after his shots was actually much, much worse than his recent leap.  I can only hope he continues to be as easy this week as he has been! :)

Maddox has newly discovered his love of lights and has been completely preoccupied with all things lights over the past few weeks.  This week he discovered the TV and is totally obsessed with it--especially the Harry Potter marathon that has been on this weekend.  Can you blame him? :)

Finally, today I made several bottles before we left the house and took four with us-three in the collar pack and one in the side of the diaper bag out to warm up.  Sadly, the three in the bag got turned over and leaked out of the tops of the bottles/into the cooler bag.  Every.  Single.  Drop.  Nine ounces of wasted milk.  This mommy was very, very sad about the wasted milk. :(

Until next time...Xoxo

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