Monday, September 22, 2014


This week's board courtesy of my lovely husband!  He completed this for me and said he'll never do another.  He did a great job though, so maybe I can convince him again later?

How far along? 33 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: Around 15 pounds total gained I think?  Not bad.
Baby is the size of a/an: Durian fruit??  Raise your hand if you've had one of those?  No?  Noone?  Exactly.
Maternity clothes? Yes!  I'm done with jeans I think until M gets here.  Even though I'm still fitting in to my pre pregnancy jeans, the top of the zipper on my belly is just NOT pleasant!
Stretch marks? Still no.  I truly feel lucky that this one's a no.
Sleep: Sleep this week is no bueno.  My hips are hurting after lying on one side too long which totally sucks.  Last night right before bed my sciatic nerve started hurting.  Not sure if I overdid the cleaning yesterday or what, but it hurts ALL OF THE TIME and literally makes me rethink every movement.  It hurts when I sleep, lay down, sit, walk, you name it.  Never again will I take for granted being able to walk or stand without pain.  I'm open to help.
Best moment this week: Both a blessing and a curse, but being able to hear baby M's heartbeat for a long period of time at the hospital and hearing his thumps and movements.  More below.
Have you told family and friends: Yes! 
Miss Anything? Being able to sleep comfortably.  At all.  Period.
Movement: Daily.  Feels like a little lizard or loch ness monster moving around in there sometimes with the nature of his movements.
Food cravings: Pumpkin bread, Caramel apple spice from starbucks, and all things fall.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Nothing that I really noticed. Doc says I may be having contractions which are normal at this point.  Starting to get a little weirded out about being "checked" for progress...ew.
Belly Button in or out? Still in!!  I secretly want it to pop.  Go figure.  See picture below.
Wedding rings on or off? Still off  (double womp).  I tried it on this morning just to make sure and it was SO not happening.  
Weekly Wisdom: If you have a question or a scare, call your doctor.  Seriously.
Looking forward to: Roots N Blues this weekend with some of my favorites!

Andy bought these for M.  I was tempted to hide them.  Instead, I washed them and they are ready for use (or to be thrown away, haha).  Andy says we should let the baby choose which team he wants to support.  Yes, I am fully aware that the Pack is 1-2 and the Eagles are 3-0.  I don't care.  I still think my boy's Packers gear is much cuter.  You decide.

Saturday morning I was lazy and watched TV in bed.  M moved around like crazy and it was wonderful.  Saturday afternoon pre-Mizzou game, I cleaned like a crazy and exhausted myself.  Around 3:00 I sat down, had some food and water, and watched the Mizzou game with Andy.  And no baby movement.  I was exhausted, so I laid on my side thinking he would move and ended up taking a nap.  I flipped around a couple of times and realized I still hadn't felt him move.  I asked Andy to get me a glass of VERY cold water, because usually this helps get M moving.  This time, however; no luck.  I even laid down on the floor and in my bed and still felt nothing.  Of course at that point I was in FULL-ON FREAK OUT MODE.  I called the hospital and they asked me to come in.  We drove there and I completely lost my shit during the drive.  Andy, however, was extremely supportive and wonderful.  I couldn't ask for more.  He even grabbed my hand to hold while I was driving.  We got there and answered 1500 questions and they hooked me up to fetal heart rate and movement monitors.  Baby's heart rate was steady and still in the 130s.  He was slow to start but eventually started moving...and I was relieved.  In another breath of relief, my doctor was even the on-call doctor at the hospital!  He said we made the right choice by coming to the hospital and that baby's heart rate and movements continue to look happy and healthy.  I am so incredibly relieved.  And since then?  He's been moving like crazy.  I blame my crazy cleaning for the scare.

Also as promised, a picture of my belly button.  It's pushing out so much...perhaps will pop in the future?!

Oh and THIS came today.  No after pictures just yet because it's being put together as we speak.  Guess that gives everyone something to look forward to next week!  I am so excited for it to be here so we can test it out and learn it.  I only wish there was a baby I could put in there to test it out!  :)

48 days left...

Monday, September 15, 2014

32 weeks

Welcome, friends!

This week has been quite busy with work, my aunt Brenda visiting, and completing our childbirth class! My Aunt brought baby M some bath toys she bought from the Zoo in San Fran near where she lives.  Here she is testing them out in our pool, which sadly, is ready to be closed for the year:

Saturday we completed our childbirth class and sold our old swing.  Can I just say that the childbirth class didn't really ease my fears about child birthing.  Rather, I'm even more worried and stressed about it than I ever was before.  Once I heard the words "RING OF FIRE" uttered, I was done.  Even so...eyes on the prize so I'll try and put labor at the back of my mind for now.  Silver lining to that day?  I came home to these beauties blooming by our front door and a Mizzou win! :)

Sunday we were lazy and watched football and I cooked a bit.  I made a spicy chili that was super relish and an apple crisp.  I've actually never made an apple crisp before, but Andy liked so I guess I'll count it as a win!  I also got to see the last few minutes of my Packers win, which was a major plus!  I guess we will be watching Andy's Eagles play (and maybe lose?) tonight during MNF. :)

Also yesterday, Andy and I finally agreed on a hat for M to wear during newborn pictures/wearing home.  I found this combination and I absolutely love it!  I've been looking for some time but couldn't find something that really struck me.  When I ran across this yesterday, I knew I had to order it.  Andy also ordered some Eagles booties and beanies this week for M as well.  Perhaps I should hide those when they come in? :)

And now for the weekly update...

This week's board courtesy of my Aunt Brenda.

How far along? 32 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: Around 12 lbs gained total so far I think.
Baby is the size of a/an: Squash.  He's also almost 4 pounds in there and gaining an ounce daily/around a half pound a week!  Whoa!
Maternity clothes? Yes!  Along with a mix of my regular stuff--my friend was surprised I'm still wearing my regular jeans some and my regular leggings.
Stretch marks? Still none!  Although some days, my tummy is pretty tight.  Other days it's not so bad.  I can't believe I have at least another 55 days of growing tummy left!
Sleep: Sleep this week has again been pretty good and I cannot get enough!  I'm trying to allow myself to get plenty of sleep since I know it will be slim after M gets here!
Best moment this week: Childbirth class we had this weekend?  Although I also chalk that up to scary.  I also enjoyed for the first time ever baby moving around so much and so intensely while I was sleeping that he woke me up!  What a strange feeling :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes! 
Miss Anything? All things alcohol, although I'm scared for what my tolerance will be like once baby gets here!
Movement: Daily, although it's more of a squirm than a thump now.   I love when I'm protesting work and he squirms around in protest as well.  
Food cravings: Spicy things (continued).  This week I made spicy chili and have been eating spicy trail mix like it's going out of style.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: That damn gag reflex from teeth brushing/tongue brushing, ugh.
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Crampyness again this week.  Doctor asked me to push fluids which helped.
Belly Button in or out? Still in!  It's shallow though.  My navel piercing that was once even with my belly button is now way above where it used to be.  Hello, stretchy skin.
Wedding rings on or off? Off.  Womp.  I considered wearing it on my necklace with the M on it that Andy got me, but for now just leaving it safely at home.
Weekly Wisdom: Again this week my blood sugar dropped while I was working and I thought I was going to die.  I think I need to start carrying a bag or something with snacks and extra water so I don't get hungry/angry/tired/cranky/sweaty because of low blood sugar.  Especially at court because that sucks.
Looking forward to: Doctor appointment this Thursday, Getting our MamaRoo in soon...

I hope your week has gone as quickly as ours has!  Until next time; Xoxo

Monday, September 8, 2014

9 weeks left...

Welcome, friends!  I'll keep things short and sweet because my Aunt Brenda is here visiting this week.  PS-this week's board courtesy of Brenda :)

How far along? 31 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: Up a pound or or two since my last appointment.  Is it really possible that Baby M is gaining an ounce a day or a half pound per week?!  JEEZ.
Baby is the size of a/an: Pineapple!
Maternity clothes? Yes. Along with whatever the H I want as long as it feels comfortable.
Stretch marks? Still none!  Which totally surprises me.  I've still been drinking lots of water though so hopefully that's helping.
Sleep: Sleep this week has been pretty good!  I think the turn of the weather is making my body very happy :)
Best moment this week: Hard choice, but I think my favorite moment this week would be when we went to the doctor and heard M's heartbeat again and the doctor helped us identify which little parts were which in my tummy!  Or the return of fall temperatures to Missouri :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes! 
Miss Anything? Beer.  Because FOOTBALL and because the Pack lost this week (womp womp)
Movement: Daily, although it's more of a squirm than a thump now.
Food cravings: Spicy things.  I found a spicy trail mix for $3.99 at Gerbes and it's also way tasty (but is no Tex Mex trail mix from Target)
Anything making you queasy or sick: None this week!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Some crampyness and back pain on Saturday, but otherwise good!
Belly Button in or out? Still in!!  But when I try to flex my stomach muscles or sit up, my belly button does this weird thing where it tries to raise out of the hole?  It's really weird.  I'll have to take a picture of it 
Wedding rings on or off? Off.  Womp.
Weekly Wisdom: Eat food often.  Legit today I was driving home from the grocery store and it just hit me and then I was sweaty, shaky, and lightheaded.  So I came inside and shut the blinds and ate some trail mix and drank some water.  And five minutes later, I was fine.
Looking forward to: Starting the hospital bag and doing the childbirth class.

HOLY SHIT.  9 weeks left?!  And that baby is coming out of WHERE?!

And for fun, here's a picture from today of Baby M on one side of my tummy.  He loves the right side (left side in that picture) and the angled part that you see is his little butt being pushed out against my side! The other side he doesn't love so much.  Such a funny little man already.

We have decided to sell our swing and buy a MamaRoo, so if you or anyone you know wants a baby swing that is in excellent condition, runs on batteries and power, and swings three different ways, let me know.  I'd like to get $50 out of it (it retails for $139).  Here's a picture of it!  It actually is a terrible picture, but wanted to get the word out.  If you're interested, let me know and I can take a better picture.

And finally, I found one of these guys in my bed this week.  Who knows what kind it is?  I'll give you a dollar.

Aaaand I'm done.  Until next time...Xoxo

Monday, September 1, 2014

3/4 done!

This week's chalkboard courtesy of Ms. Lauren Spragg! :)

How far along? 30 weeks 1 day!  3/4 of the way done!!
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure but hovering around the same I was last week!
Baby is the size of a/an: Head of cabbage or length of a cucumber.  Which totally aren't the same size, so go figure.
Maternity clothes? Yes, maternity t-shirts, maxi skirts and maxi dresses.  And a pair of maternity skinnies.
Stretch marks? None yet...still trying to drink plenty of water and keep lotion on my belly and thighs to try and help prevent!
Sleep: Strangely, sleep this week hasn't really been very good.  Maybe it was because I was at home most of the week and didn't have enough to mentally stress me out during the day, but I had a difficult time getting to sleep and staying asleep this week.  Also, crazy hip pain has started after I lay on one side too long at night and that part sucks.  So I have been waking up a lot and rolling around until I get back to sleep.
Best moment this week: Besides my birthday?  Is there even such a thing?  Just kidding. But seriously, I have the most thoughtful hubs ever who surprised me by taking the day off from work and then making me breakfast and spending the day with me in the pool.  Then we went to my mom and Bob's house who served up my favorite meal for dinner and gave me tickets to Roots N Blues this year!  I'm pretty lucky.  Other highlights this week include catching up with my dear friend Lauren and getting the carseat bases installed in my car and Andy's truck.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!  But I might add--if they haven't figured it out, then we have a problem. 
Miss Anything? Beer.  Because FOOTBALL.
Movement: Daily, although his thumps are much smaller and have turned into more of squirms or rumbles now than the big thumps they were before.  Does that mean I can't call him thumpy anymore?
Food cravings: Tex Mex Trail Mix.  And Andy's mom's chocolate chip cookies :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week, yay!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Not a ton of Braxton Hicks this week.  It's been a pretty mellow week.
Belly Button in or out? Still in! It's shallow but not going anywhere.  I put my navel ring back in for a night and took it out the next day.  And my navel was REALLY angry and red the rest of that day.  So my thoughts were right--it's done for now.
Wedding rings on or off? Since I didn't do a lot of leaving the house or putting on my face this week, this one doesn't really get a rating this week. 
Weekly Wisdom: Have snacks and eat before you realize you're too hungry.  Otherwise you get heartburn/acidy-hungry which is NOT fun,
Looking forward to: My Aunt's visit this week, our friends the Judiscaks will be visiting this weekend, our doctor appointment this week, and starting on our hospital bag at some point!  I guess I'm way prepared.

And in case you didn't catch it earlier on instagram this week, here's a picture of the yummy breakfast Andy made on my birthday, complete with virgin bloody mary :)

And a picture of the cake my Mom and Bob got for me!

AND.  A picture of one of my gifts from hubs, which I absolutely love and am already obsessed with.   It's a necklace with a charm with the initial M on it. 

M's high chair is also put together and ready...

As are his carseat, bases, and mirror for my car.  

We are very excited to meet you, little man!

PS-I have thank you cards written and ready to be mailed without stamps.  Oops.  Expect them this week! Until next time, xoxo!