Monday, September 8, 2014

9 weeks left...

Welcome, friends!  I'll keep things short and sweet because my Aunt Brenda is here visiting this week.  PS-this week's board courtesy of Brenda :)

How far along? 31 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: Up a pound or or two since my last appointment.  Is it really possible that Baby M is gaining an ounce a day or a half pound per week?!  JEEZ.
Baby is the size of a/an: Pineapple!
Maternity clothes? Yes. Along with whatever the H I want as long as it feels comfortable.
Stretch marks? Still none!  Which totally surprises me.  I've still been drinking lots of water though so hopefully that's helping.
Sleep: Sleep this week has been pretty good!  I think the turn of the weather is making my body very happy :)
Best moment this week: Hard choice, but I think my favorite moment this week would be when we went to the doctor and heard M's heartbeat again and the doctor helped us identify which little parts were which in my tummy!  Or the return of fall temperatures to Missouri :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes! 
Miss Anything? Beer.  Because FOOTBALL and because the Pack lost this week (womp womp)
Movement: Daily, although it's more of a squirm than a thump now.
Food cravings: Spicy things.  I found a spicy trail mix for $3.99 at Gerbes and it's also way tasty (but is no Tex Mex trail mix from Target)
Anything making you queasy or sick: None this week!
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Some crampyness and back pain on Saturday, but otherwise good!
Belly Button in or out? Still in!!  But when I try to flex my stomach muscles or sit up, my belly button does this weird thing where it tries to raise out of the hole?  It's really weird.  I'll have to take a picture of it 
Wedding rings on or off? Off.  Womp.
Weekly Wisdom: Eat food often.  Legit today I was driving home from the grocery store and it just hit me and then I was sweaty, shaky, and lightheaded.  So I came inside and shut the blinds and ate some trail mix and drank some water.  And five minutes later, I was fine.
Looking forward to: Starting the hospital bag and doing the childbirth class.

HOLY SHIT.  9 weeks left?!  And that baby is coming out of WHERE?!

And for fun, here's a picture from today of Baby M on one side of my tummy.  He loves the right side (left side in that picture) and the angled part that you see is his little butt being pushed out against my side! The other side he doesn't love so much.  Such a funny little man already.

We have decided to sell our swing and buy a MamaRoo, so if you or anyone you know wants a baby swing that is in excellent condition, runs on batteries and power, and swings three different ways, let me know.  I'd like to get $50 out of it (it retails for $139).  Here's a picture of it!  It actually is a terrible picture, but wanted to get the word out.  If you're interested, let me know and I can take a better picture.

And finally, I found one of these guys in my bed this week.  Who knows what kind it is?  I'll give you a dollar.

Aaaand I'm done.  Until next time...Xoxo

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